Repurpose A Boring Photo
Today, I’ll walk you through conceptualizing, lighting, and editing this UGLY photo. Let’s get started! Download the RAW file below and follow along.
RAW Photo
Final Product
• We're always trying to evoke an emotion, create a response, bring back a memory.
• UGLY would play perfect to a summer theme. The pool is the perfect place to have a refreshing drink.
• 1 speedlight + bouncing light off a whiteboard to create fill light.
• Speedlights allow for shooting at high apertures. A single speedlight allows me to shoot F14 at ISO 100.
• Shooting without diffusion creates harsh light, which is ideal for replicating a "day at the pool".
A grey card helps nail your white balance.
Adjust white balance, highlights, and shadows to your liking.
In Photoshop, clean up any imperfections and Dodge + Burn for that elevated look.
Drop your video above your photo.
Create a selection around your can.
Select your video layer and create a mask.
Select that mask and invert it by pressing cmd+i.
Select the video thumbnail and change the blending mode to color burn.
Great job! You’ve managed to edit your photo and make it WAY more interesting. 🎉